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Thursday, September 23, 2010

A small addition to the Serioulsy? No Death Panel?

There were a few things I failed to mention when I wrote my previous post today. I know that it is hard to believe, but I did not want to go on and on about the subject, but I feel ltike there are a few things that I should have included, and for that I am sorry.

First of all, The Constitution was loosely written because it was imperative that each of the original states ratify the concept, hence the Bill of Rights.

Additionally, in all fairness to the GOP a similar health plan bill was introduced during the Clinton administration, in fact nearly identical to our current "Health Care Reform Bill" was proposed by the GOP, namely Bob Dole, and the President (Clinton) declined to participate and all of this nonsense could have been avoided. Politics is politics and Clinton did not participate because of political implications and now, the GOP given a similar scenario, says the same. If Clinton had promoted the health care bill in 1994 then perhaps we would not be in the same situation we are now.

Maybe I am an Idealist and believe in the intrinsic good in people, but I truly believe that all Americans strive for the same thing. We have different perspectives, we may not agree on many of the "hot t0pics" but REALLY the division, is it that great that we should doom ourselves to the dismantlement of our core values? Afterall, we are of the same race and equal on levelness, with the exeption of creed.
I propose, put that BULL SHIT aside and act on what is right. Living in a contry that allows the freedom of religion and speech, we are entitled to our opinion. Remember, we are a GLOBAL socierty and everyone communicates.
It is our DUTY to participate in the governemtal process and if you don't (which is your choice) IF YOU HAVE A VOICE, USE IT
It is an opportunity to be heard, which id the acceptation to the rule, but without it we are lost>

What? No Death Panels?

Six months ago after a long tumultuous fight, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, despite the death panel threats and the perceived immanency of the sky falling. We certainly dodged a bullet there, didn't we?!
The first step of the complete Act begins today puts an end to some of the worst insurance company abuses.

  • Insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny insurance to those with preexisting medical condition to both children and adults.
  • All new health plans MUST provide free preventative medical tests such as mammograms, colonoscopies, immunizations, and prenatal care.
  • College students will now be allowed to remain on their parents' insurance plans until they are 26 years old, allowing the opportunity to find that well paying job that allows them to afford their own insurance premiums.

In 2011 the Medicare "donut-hole" will be closed and those utilizing the medicare plan will be able to afford all of their medications. At this time their medication coverage has nominal limits and senior citizens have to pay the remaining cost out of pocket.
I am having a difficult time figuring out the downside of all of this. Fox News said that the signing the Affordable Care Act was essentially shredding the Constitution.

The Preamble of The Constitution states "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Additionally, The Declaration of Independence declares "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Under the Commerce clause in the Constitution, the government CAN force companies to offer insurance to their employees and there is no specific statement about presidential mandate for individual insurance.

Health insurance and the preventive care provided by insurance ensures our unalienable right to fight to secure our life and in this case, their health.
Everyone in our Executive and Legislative Branches were elected by the us, the people (at least those that voted) and in effect WE are the people responsible for "The Affordable Care Act."

In any case the act has been rolled out and no, Chicken Little, the sky is not falling, but in case something does fall from the sky and knocks you on the head, you will now have the opportunity to go the the doctor without paying through the beak.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How Can TEXAS rewrite history?

In May of this year, the Texas educational board voted and manipulated history, social studies and science. In an effort to enhance the role of "God" and the conservative agenda throughout our country's history and world sciences. One significant change made when rewriting history states is the idea that the founding fathers of our great nation were Christians and indeed, many of our founding fathers were Christians.There were large groups of many religious factions; Mennonites,Amish, Puritans, Jews and in fact several of our Founding Fathers were Deists.
Deism is a religious belief not big in practice today. The core of Deism believes that there is indeed a God who created man, then left man alone making him solely responsible for his own actions on this planet, to act on critical thought and reason. Deism pays no attention to the supernatural or miracles, and believes all things can be explained through reason. Deism reached it's height of popularity during the late 18th century, after the Age of Enlightenment and its ideals and perspectives were entral to the conception of our nation's Constitution and was the religious orientation of such scholars as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Adams. One of the most central and discussed component "the separation of church and state" is a direct result of the Deist influence.
Our country was founded nearly 250 years ago. . . the founding fathers; George Washington, Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson read many of the same books and studies that high school and college students read today. Authors like DesCartes and Nitsche and were well versed in the sciences such as the discoveries and hypothesis of Isaac Newton. These were men of knowledge and intelligence who were specific in their quest for a superior form of government and intentional with their diction.
Apparently, the Texas Board of Education didn't want to stop with changing what Texas students learn about history, they would like to ban "pro-Islamic" texts from Texas schools, removing books that could be interpreted as anti Christian or pro Islam instead of teaching them about the beliefs and cultures of others.
I find it appalling that we, as a nation who's First Amendment right protects freedom of speech and the freedom of religious practice and beliefs, continually stand by and allow our recorded history to be edited to reflect an inaccurate historical view AND remove books from the hands of students that teaches the belief system of Islam, which in it's true form is a peaceful religion.
Separation of Church and State. Let us not forget that we are a country built on religious freedom which was designed to protect its inhabitants from religious persecution, no matter what one's religious orientation is, whether one is a Deist, an Atheist, a Muslim or a Christian.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Sarah Palin Effect

"The Oprah Winfrey Effect," is a well known phenomena detailing how a product endorsement by Oprah Winfrey generates companies millions of dollars. "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is the highest rated talk program in television history, with an estimated 44 million U.S. viewers a week – a demographic that has contributed to the success of products ranging from clothing to cake. The influence that Oprah Winfrey has on consumers is staggering.

I liken the influence of Oprah over consumers is similar to the influence that Sarah Palin has over her "Tea Party" sheep. It is becoming clear that a Sarah Palin endorsement can lead to great things if you are say an inexperienced "Brawny Man" like politician such as Alaskan Joe Miller or a homophobic, extremely right winged radical like Delaware's Christine O'Donnell who, incidentally believes that one can be "cured" of being gay. (Please!)The Tea Party Express, a major Tea Party organization has said that they would donate as much as $600,000 dollars toward the O'Donnell campaign. Really?

Unfortunately for the GOP, the Tea Party movement is gaining momentum and creating large divide between the more moderate Republican and the radical whack job Tea Party supporters. Lisa Murkowski lost her incumbency in Alaska, as did the three term Senator Bennett of Utah. Charlie Christ jumped the political fence to Independence when faced with losing the the Republican nomination in Florida. As the GOP is revs up toward the 2012 election they are not particularly in love with the fact that a Sarah Palin candidacy for President would ensure in an a second term for President Obama.

Sarah Palin could be the worst thing to happen to women in politics since, well, ever. As the subject of a criminal investigation concerning her governorship in Alaska, one would think that any critically thinking individual would give a second thought about cheering for someone who abused power as a governor and endorsing them as a Presidential candidate. But, I guess it just reinforces the collective level of intelligence of the Tea Party movement.

Who can forget the fact that Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house? This was just one of the many ridiculous things uttered by Sarah Palin. When asked by Glenn Beck which of her founding fathers were her favorite, she replied “You know, well, all of them because they came collectively together with…so much diversity in terms of belief but collectively they came together to form this union.” Eventually, after being prodded by Beck she said "George Washington," but any first grader could name our first U.S. President, right?

Equally as dim, but not surprising, while at a rally held in Alaska held on the observance of 9/11, she said “This Statue of Liberty was gifted to us by foreign leaders, really as a warning to us, it was a warning to us to stay unique and to stay exceptional from other countries. Certainly not to go down the path of other countries that adopted socialist policies.” I suppose she confused "foreign leaders" with the country of France and the thinks that "a warning" is synonymous with a gift of friendship.

Her influence and ignorance are incredible, but I wonder which is worse; Being the fool or the crowd of people cheering the fool on?

Monday, September 6, 2010


Lately, I have been casually talking with people about my new blog. Surprisingly I have been caught off guard by the amount of people with whom I interact, who have little or no interest in current politics or policies; including those in my immediate family.

The root of the word "Democracy" comes from the Greek in origin; "Demo" or "Dem" which means people while "Crat" means rule or ruler. Therefor meaning, ruled by the people

John Adams, the second President of the United States of America and the first Vice President of our great country said "Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide."

Within the historical record there have been a few societal groups that gave democracy a try. The Greeks tried initially to demonstrate the integrity of democracy, giving all an equal voice but were eventually brought down by Alexander The Great, a representative of Macedonia.

Later, the Romans nearly mirrored the fallen Greek ideology, but eventually succumbed to the inherent conflicts of religion and societal values.

When the founding fathers contemplated the imminent government of the Americas, they settled on, after much debate, a version of past democracies. Ultimately it was decided that a system of check and balances, including The Executive Branch, The Congressional Branch (which includes The Senate and The House of Representatives) and the Judicial Branch, would be the most effective.

In our most recent presidential election, only 56.8% of eligible voting Americans showed up to the polls. In an election where such polarizing affects could be present, why would so few turn out to cast their vote?

We live in an incredible nation where we are fortunate enough to have an actual "say" in our politics. Many Americans feel as though their vote doesn't count, but I call "Bull Shit" on this. . .clearly the Electoral College has an effect on our presidency, but the voters declare their state governors, senators and congressional representatives.

In the past, I was the most complacent of Americans. I felt as though my vote did not count, my views were inapplicable and my voice meant nothing, but after casting my vote for President Obama, I waited and witnessed the inauguration of our first African American president I was overwhelmed by the importance of what had transpired. I was now a part of history. The question of "What would happen first; an African American president or a female president had been answered. I am in awe of the progress made within our country in just forty years, but at times am saddened by the lack of progress made within the being of some individuals.

Voters and non-voters: I appeal to you. Our republic, our democracy is built on public participation. Our forefathers gave us a voice and it is our responsibility to voice our opinions and contribute to the fate of our nation. If we choose not to participate in our innate American voting rights. our government and country will fold upon itself as was predicted by John Adams over 200 years ago

Our government has, to this point, been the exception of past democracies. To continue all, must participate in the voting process and cast out vote and opinion about our city, our state and our nation, or else the American experiment we call our government will be no longer.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Picture is Worth a Million Unintelligble Words!

All of these shirts and the people wearing them attended the "Non" political event hosted by Glenn Beck on August 28th 2010. WOW!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ground Zero and Starting Over

In 1803 in a letter to Edward Dawes, a mayor of Wilmington, Delaware at the time, Jefferson wrote "I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance, or admit the right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others. On the contrary, we are bound, you, I, and everyone, to make common cause, even with error itself, to maintain the common right of freedom of conscience. We ought with one heart and one hand hew down the daring and dangerous efforts of those who would seduce the public opinion to substitute itself into . . . tyranny over religious faith."

I have read and reread this statement made by Jefferson, who, as most know, penned the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. This ideology is of equal importance today as it was when America declared emancipation from England and signed the Declaration of Independence into law, which matriculated to the writing and enactment of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights; Freedom of Religion.

The very principal of our First Amendment supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or simply choose not to follow any religion at all. Additionally, the amendment also provides Americans the freedom to leave or discontinue membership in a religion or religious group.

The proposed mosque near Ground Zero has had very polarizing effects on our country. The "progressives" believe that disallowing the construction of said mosque infringes on our first and most integral of our amendment rights. While the extreme right side, aka "The Tea Party" believe that construction of the mosque spits on the holy site of the fallen twin towers.

I wonder how many of the Fox-watching protesters of the “ground zero mosque” know that Fox’s profits are flowing to a Saudi billionaire, bin Talal, who not only sympathizes with President Obama but also has a seven percent share in News Corp, the owner of Fox News. As summed up recently by Jon Stewart, the protesters who want “to cut off funding to the ‘terror mosque’ ” are aiding that funding by watching Fox New.

In the past, Democratic Presidents such as Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Great Depression and John F. Kennedy and The Civil Rights Movement, have faced tough economic and social pressure and civil unrest, and they fought back fiercely toward their attackers for what they believed in and were able to establish and maintain a united sentiment.

The GOP has proven themselves to be masterful puppeteers equipped with the ability to manipulate and spin even the most innocent of comments and situations. The Democratic party needs to be more aggressive, organized and proactive acting with the intensity and vigor that has been demonstrated in the party's past.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Soap Box

I, like most Americans, don't really "fit" into one political box perfectly. Most people lay somewhere in the middle in the support of the social ideologies and fiscal policy. However, as a registered Democrat I have become frustrated with the inherent passive nature of the Democratic Party in contrast to the radical, over the top actions of the extreme fundamental conservatives.

Everyone is discussing politics, it is all over every major network, captivating the major headlines and is the butt of many jokes on such shows as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart or The Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert. The last thing the world needs is one more talking head spewing political rants. With that said however, I recently decided that I could no longer sit back and watch as chaos ensues within our government and country. I decided that I wanted to be an active participant in the movement to subdue the radical political overtures being attempted by the new "Tea Party."

As far as I am concerned, there is and will always only be ONE tea party and that took place in 1773 in a little town known as Boston.

Stay tuned for reflections on our Constitution, The Bill of Rights and what our fore fathers really envisioned for this great nation, along with comments on current hot topics and more. I will commit to at least one blog posting a week and promise to keep it interesting and hopefully humorous as well.


An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry. - Thomas Jefferson