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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Sarah Palin Effect

"The Oprah Winfrey Effect," is a well known phenomena detailing how a product endorsement by Oprah Winfrey generates companies millions of dollars. "The Oprah Winfrey Show" is the highest rated talk program in television history, with an estimated 44 million U.S. viewers a week – a demographic that has contributed to the success of products ranging from clothing to cake. The influence that Oprah Winfrey has on consumers is staggering.

I liken the influence of Oprah over consumers is similar to the influence that Sarah Palin has over her "Tea Party" sheep. It is becoming clear that a Sarah Palin endorsement can lead to great things if you are say an inexperienced "Brawny Man" like politician such as Alaskan Joe Miller or a homophobic, extremely right winged radical like Delaware's Christine O'Donnell who, incidentally believes that one can be "cured" of being gay. (Please!)The Tea Party Express, a major Tea Party organization has said that they would donate as much as $600,000 dollars toward the O'Donnell campaign. Really?

Unfortunately for the GOP, the Tea Party movement is gaining momentum and creating large divide between the more moderate Republican and the radical whack job Tea Party supporters. Lisa Murkowski lost her incumbency in Alaska, as did the three term Senator Bennett of Utah. Charlie Christ jumped the political fence to Independence when faced with losing the the Republican nomination in Florida. As the GOP is revs up toward the 2012 election they are not particularly in love with the fact that a Sarah Palin candidacy for President would ensure in an a second term for President Obama.

Sarah Palin could be the worst thing to happen to women in politics since, well, ever. As the subject of a criminal investigation concerning her governorship in Alaska, one would think that any critically thinking individual would give a second thought about cheering for someone who abused power as a governor and endorsing them as a Presidential candidate. But, I guess it just reinforces the collective level of intelligence of the Tea Party movement.

Who can forget the fact that Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house? This was just one of the many ridiculous things uttered by Sarah Palin. When asked by Glenn Beck which of her founding fathers were her favorite, she replied “You know, well, all of them because they came collectively together with…so much diversity in terms of belief but collectively they came together to form this union.” Eventually, after being prodded by Beck she said "George Washington," but any first grader could name our first U.S. President, right?

Equally as dim, but not surprising, while at a rally held in Alaska held on the observance of 9/11, she said “This Statue of Liberty was gifted to us by foreign leaders, really as a warning to us, it was a warning to us to stay unique and to stay exceptional from other countries. Certainly not to go down the path of other countries that adopted socialist policies.” I suppose she confused "foreign leaders" with the country of France and the thinks that "a warning" is synonymous with a gift of friendship.

Her influence and ignorance are incredible, but I wonder which is worse; Being the fool or the crowd of people cheering the fool on?

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